Monday, August 9, 2010

Politics in Australia

Fuck 'em. That's all I have to say. Except for the following:

We have the two major parties: Liberal and Labour. Labour labels itself as centre-left, and Liberal is right-wing. I don't know how Labour can justify its position - there are NO differences between what they stand for, and what the Liberals stand for. Australia calls itself a democracy, and a fair and open-minded country ... but we don't even have a bloody left-wing party ! So, according to politicians over here, we're all either conservative, or closet-conservatives !!!
There's actually a advertisement airing now, by the Liberal party against Labour, that says "With the old Julia Gillard*, the boats keep coming. With the new Gillard, the boats kept coming. Same old Gillard, same old Labour."
Has anyone informed Tony Abbott* that there are actually human beings on those boats ?! That they're not just empty boats sent over here for shits and giggles?! That the people on these boats have got actual problems, like no home, food or money ?!

I wish our political parties would grow up and realise not everything is rainbows and butterflies for some, and even less for others .

*Labour's candidate - our current PM
**Liberal's candidate

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