Monday, August 16, 2010

I actually do not know what to do

About my best friend
About myself
About my friends
About my future
About getting money
About my mum
About anything, really.

There is so much crap, and recently I've been kidding myself (most of the time) into thinking I've been happy, and that I'm happy with the way things are. But I am not. At all.

I wish my best friend was more reliable. I wish I had never shaved my head. I wish I my friends were more interested in hanging out with me. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wish I was able to get a job. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I wish we weren't so low on cash. I wish he had never killed himself, for mum's sake. I wish everything was different.

Mum believes that the universe only gives you as much as you can handle. Seriously Universe, how much do you think I can fucking handle? Because I feel like you're taking everything out on me. I'm not that strong. Just leave me the fuck alone, and maybe I'll be ok.

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